Monday 14 March 2016

Pontormo Studies

Jacopo Pontormo was an Italian painter. His studies are fascinating and show his mastery of depicting form and light. The drawing below is good example of a study, for example the form of the ribcage is shown by the two curves on the bottom lesser finished drawing and the connection of the mastoid muscles to the collar bones is shown by the line from the head to the top of the torso. Pontormo is very good at blocking in form, for example the hand is very blocked in, the form is very clear.
In the drawing below the forms are very accurately defined, every line is there for a reason, either to define the form of muscles/bones or to show plane changes, such as the line on the head of the figure to the left which shows the plane change of the side of the jaw to the underside of the jaw/the chin. Pontormo has a very unique way of drawing hands that i have noticed, in which the fingers are very blocked out and pointy. This shows that even though every artist may see the same forms as they are in life, when it comes to representing the forms the artist develops different conceptions of forms over years of studying the structure of the human figure.

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