Saturday 26 March 2016

E4 Ident Progress (Maya) - Altering Model and Texturing

I realized my character should be modeled in a t pose because when it comes to rigging/skinning the arm needs to be deformed both ways, up and down, therefore it needs polygons to deform and when the arm is modeled down there are usually not enough polygons below the arm which was the case with my character.

Then my mesh was ready to be textured so first of all i needed to create seams on the model like seams on pieces of clothing. This is because to apply textures to my model i need to unwrap it and flatten it so that an image can be projected onto the model.  I found texturing the model quite simple and didn't encounter many problems except that the texture was very stretched on the ears so i decided to make the ears separate UV shells. 

After unwrapping the mesh i then exported a UV snapshot and added textures and painted details such as the belt buckle on Photoshop.

Below is the textured model with the temporary smooth applied.

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