Tuesday 15 March 2016

Pages From My Sketchbook

These are some pages from my sketchbook. I think its very important to study the skeleton as much as possible because the figure is derived from the skeleton. i have hundreds of studies of the skeleton from life, not just the skeleton itself but of the bones individually because there is a vast amount of intricacies in the shape of the bones such as processes and eminences which are anatomical terms for bony projections on the surface of the bones. It is important to know where these features are on the bones because these provide attachment points for muscles and ligaments.

These are studies from life, there's a ton of mistakes that i'v picked up from these drawings such as the construction of the nose could be defined a lot more and the form of the mouth shape in difficult angles needs work, the second drawing down for example. Even though these are just studies i have still payed attention to the image as a whole. For example in the drawing directly below, the lines of the clothing to the left all point towards the focal point of the drawing which is the eyes.  

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