Tuesday 15 March 2016

Life Drawings

On tuesdays i go to a life drawing class at the fenton pub. I have been going for about 2 months now and i can really see my drawing skills improving gradually. I think the most noticeable change in my skills from a year ago is the construction and form of the figures, i think i have a decent understanding of form and light and shadow, i have began to realise that the saying "draw what you see" is incorrect and that really the experienced artist doesn't draw what he see's he draws what he knows about what he see's however this is not to be confused with symbols like children's drawings or Picasso. But what i mean is that when the artist has a good understanding of the structure of the human body, how all the muscles connect to the bones and how the muscles work, instead of merely drawing lines on paper of what is perceived on the retina, the artist can instead create a three dimensional representation of the form of the figure.

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