Tuesday 15 March 2016

Form, Flow, Function Drawings

For the squash and stretch drawings i tried to focus on the way the forms of the body squash and stretch  when performing actions. For example the drawing below was a person performing a squat into a plank, i liked the way the body squashed into a ball like shape and then stretched into a plank position.

For the second squash and stretch drawing i decided to use ink because i'v never really used ink with a brush before and i really liked using it. I liked the fact that the lines feel more defined and if the lines aren't accurate it really shows. In this sequence the model is throwing a ball, the squash is the anticipation of the model recoiling preparing to throw the ball and the stretch is where the person is stretched out to release the ball.

The drawing below is a 20 minute pose. For this pose the weight is quite central, the line of balance is right through the centre of the figure, right between the feet. The weakest part of this drawing is the feet because i struggled to show the form of the shoes so the result looks flat and uninteresting. To improve my understanding of this section of the body i am going to make studies of the bones and the structure of the foot and make studies of feet from life.

In the 20 minute drawing below the weight is again very central, in the 20 minute drawings i guess the weight has to be central or it would be a struggle to hold an off balance pose for an extended amount of time. I think for this drawing i should have made the light more defined and more concentrated, also i think the torso is a little stretched.

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