Saturday 3 December 2016

Character and Narrative - Week 7 Summary

This week wasn't that productive because of Manchester animation festival taking up the majority of the week but we still have our time managed. we were going to start animating at the end of this week but i needed extra time just to make sure the rigs are safe to give to the animation team (me and Brenda), i did this by checking all the controllers and locking and hiding the unused attributes to minimise potential mistakes and confusion for the animator. I also made sure everything was named correctly and put the meshes, skeleton and controllers into groups just to organise everything in the outliner and to make it abit easier if i need to correct rigging errors and mistakes during the animating stage.

Also this week i added the required functionality for the props, such as the tent door swinging open and closed and the windchimes swinging, i did this with blendshapes and used controllers with set driven keys. Due to some of the shots needing to be filmed from different angles i made a switch which toggles the tent to opposite sides, i also added switches to toggle the visibility of each character.

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