Thursday 8 December 2016

Oil Paint on Glass - Potential & Limitations - General

For the special effects in our animation we have decided to do them with paint on glass to add to the hand painted aesthetic. Animating with oil paint on glass is much more time consuming than other types of animation but it has a very distinct and rewarding aesthetic which can really aid in telling the story. One of my favourite oil paint on glass animations is the rendition of the old man and the sea by Aleksandr Petrov, this is a beautiful animation which really makes use of the medium. Oil paint on glass practitioners usually will scrape off only a portion of the paint which needs to be changed as this is more efficient than painting the entire scene for every frame. The advantage of using oil paints over any other type of paint is that oil paints take a long time to dry which makes it idea to animate with because it can be changed and reapplied many times. The medium itself is alot more practical and organic than other mediums such as computer generated animation which is why we think it will be interesting to try and combine them in an animation.    


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