Thursday 8 December 2016

Character and Narrative - Week 10 Summary

This week has mainly consisted of finishing the blog posts and getting all the work into order but we did also finish the paint on glass portion of the effects and finished compositing the animation on premier, this was a lot more time consuming task that i previously thought it would be as we had to mask the fire to fit into the scene and also added a glow to the fire which took me and Brenda a while to get it looking right and not too overpowering. Me and Brenda have both worked hard on this project and i really feel i have achieved a step in my storytelling abilities, working with Brenda has had a big influence on this. The aspect of this project i enjoyed the most was rigging the characters, working on this project made me realise this and i am going to pursue this area much further and try to learn as much as i can about it.

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