Sunday 4 December 2016

Character and Narrative - Week 9 Summary

Since we both finished animating last week this week has been mostly rendering, we are rendering out in arnold because it has a good realistic lighting system which helps set the mood for our story. Besides rendering we also started working on the paint on glass effects such as the fire and the spirits. After a couple different linetests we decided on the best fire and painted it in the stop motion studio where we captured the frames with dragonframe. I like the aesthetic that has formed from the hand painted textures and the oil paint effects, i feel like the animation has a well structured aesthetic. I also began compositing the animation, masking the fire to blend in with the scene in premier and cleaning up the paint on glass frames in photoshop. We also made a last minute change to the animation, we added a shot before the previous first shot to help establish that Totsi is looking through the tent because otherwise it might not have been explicitly clear to the viewer. Also this week we booked the sound studio and recorded our sounds with the help of Max, it was very rewarding and really brought out the characters personalities when the sounds were composited with the animation.

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