Thursday 8 December 2016

Character and Narritive - Study Task 4 - Doing DUIK

i didn't expect to like DUIK because I'm not a fan of 2d computer animation that much but when using DUIK i began to like it alot, this is most probably because of my interest and brief experience with 3d rigging in Maya. For this reason i also found it quite easy and very enjoyable to rig my character. I found that working with DUIK was just like a 2d version of rigging in maya. My character was a chicken character that i designed quickly by using reference images from google to help, when rigging my character i put too many joints in the feet and didn't want to put ik chains on them all so i just parented them in the suitable hierarchy to the foot joint. I only added controllers where i needed the character to be controlled from, this ended up being the head, each wing, ribcage, hips and each foot. This added enough functionality to make a simple animation with my character. I then parented joints together to create more of a skeleton structure and to connect the different parts of the character.

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