Sunday 6 November 2016

Character and Narrative - Week 3 Summary

Once i finished modelling the shaman character i unwrapped the model in the uv editor so that Brenda can paint the textures, i overlaid alot of the uv's to save space. Since me and Brenda have different skillsets we thought it would be more efficient and more professional to work to our skill sets. Therefore Brenda is working more on colour, set design and props and im working on modelling and rigging the characters. Although when the characters are rigged we will both be animating them. When i began modelling the Girl i duplicated the shaman mesh, resized it and deleted the head, this was alot faster than starting fresh. i was debating whether to put the tassels on the coat because it might be an inconvenience when it comes to rigging but if i don't try it then i wont learn anything. Because me and Brenda are doing different tasks it feels like i am working in an animation company, for example when Brenda handed me the character sheet and i modeled her character from that and then later on i'll hand her the rigs to animate. I also enjoyed modelling Brenda's character because it was quite a 2d suited design and a different design to my usual characters but i managed to adapt it for 3d and i think it works well. once i modeled both the characters i started thinking about ways to rig each character, there are multiple ways to rig a feature so i am working out the best way for each feature.

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