Wednesday 23 November 2016

Character and Narrative - Week 6 Summary

This week i finished tweaking the rigs because i kept needing to add changes and fixing bits of the rig that i was unaware was broken. For example when i tried to do a test animation on the rigs i wasnt able to set keyframes on the transform attributes of the controllers, this was because i had used set driven keys keyframes on the controllers and therefore could not have a keyframe set also. I got around this problem by setting set driven keys on the groups of the controllers rather than actually on the controllers. For example with the hand curl controller, The set driven keys are on the group of the controllers so that the controller still curls the hand when moved in the x axis but the fingers can also be controlled by the individual finger controllers and can have key frames set on them.

We also made a change in the story to have both of the characters summoning the spirits at the end instead of just totsi being able to do it because we think that's a better ending and will add a better moral influence to the story.

This week we also started painting the textures for the characters and the props once we had modelled the props and unwrapped them and the characters. If we painted straight onto the uv print outs some of the uvs might have shown through and therefore when scanned in would have been projected on the model, to get around this problem we used a lightbox and painted on a separate piece of paper above the uv print out.

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