Friday 25 November 2016

CG - Potential & Limitations - Process

The process of computer animation can be very fast compared to traditional animation or it can be very slow and problematic. It all depends on the experience and skill of the modeler/rigger/animator. I find that the process of computer animation works in a sort of hierarchy, for example if the model is good and the topology is good then the texturing and rigging will be easier and if the rigging and skinning is done well then the animation stage will be alot easier than if the rig is unorganized and problematic. In terms of animating the scenes there is a common workflow used in which the animatic is is made first to get the idea of the action, then the layout is made which uses the low poly meshes of the characters and just very basic blocking, no secondary action at all. Then the final animation with all the secondary action and then the shot with the final lighting. This process is similar to more traditional mediums although traditional mediums have more steps in the process due to clean ups and colouring.

                                          3d progression reel for 'Monsters University':

                                          2d progression reel for 'Little Red Robot Hunter':


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