Sunday 6 November 2016

Character and Narrative - Week 4 Summary

This week we had the group crit session which was helpful, one of the main issues was that the story was not clear in the animatic so Brenda is going to define the animatic further. we also have to think about how we are going to capture the textures into the computer because scanning them in might lose alot of quality. I began rigging my shaman character, i wanted the rig to use IK controls instead of FK controls like my last 3d character because IK controls are alot easier and nicer to animate with. I found making the IK joints relatively simple and i learnt about using clusters for the spine IK. At first i was going to try making a joint based facial rig and then i realised i might as well just make a blendshape driven facial rig as this is both easier to make and easier for the animator to control. I added aim constraints for the eyes and the head which i had to alter quite abit to make the head move realistically. I made the eyelids joint based instead of using blend shapes because blendshapes use a linear path to get from the original position of the vertices to the altered position of the vertices whereas joints rotate around a pivot point which suits the motion of the eyelids.

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