Wednesday 17 February 2016

Pinnocio - Enviromental storytelling

In this background from Pinnochio the lighting is used to draw attention in from the sides and into the center as the center is lit well and has alot of contrast. This leads the eye towards it so the eye sits comfortably within the picture. The horizon is close to the top of the composition, this makes the image more interesting instead of having the horizon in the center as this would be boring.
This background from Pinnochio is showing a poster of stomboli's circus. To illistrate he is the villan the lighting is coming from below Stromboli to give him very sinister lighting
In the begenning of the film the colours in the backgrounds are warm as everything is alright and balanced in the story but as the film gets going and aspects of the story get unbalanced and Pinnochio gets lost and the story gets dark the backgrounds consist of much cooler colour schemes to suit the current mood.

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