Tuesday 23 February 2016

E4 Ident Progress (Maya) - Modeling character with maya

I have started modelling my character for my e4 ident animation. I started by drawing out the character design for the character and then put them into photoshop and saved them as the front view and side view. I then put them into maya by using the free image planes, this is useful because it gives me a good starting point to base my model on and for reference. I dont plan on sticking to it exactly but as i said it is a good starting point.

Next i started creating the model, i created a polygon sphere for the head and started moving faces and vertices around to create the shape of the face that i wanted. I then realised it would be alot easier to create a mirror of half the face so that i dont have to model each side of the face. Next time i create a head for a character i am going to try use a cube for the base mesh instead of a sphere because i think a cube will be alot easier to work with.

 Some of my edges and vertices were pretty messed up so i tried my best to fix them.

 For the main body shape i used a cylinder and then scaled the top faces down and made the cylinder abit wider, then i added two edge loops at the top and bottom of the cylinder so that when it smooths the cylinder it wont just become an egg shape.

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