Saturday 7 November 2015

Pose to Pose Research

In animation there are two main methods for animating, straight ahead and pose to pose. Pose to pose is the method alot of animators prefer and so do i, there are reasons for this. For example it is alot easier to keep the mass of the character/object consistent with pose to pose whereas with straight ahead it is easy to drift off track with keeping the characters mass the same. Also if the animation your working on has a set amount of time it is very hard to keep to the set time with straight ahead whereas with pose to pose it is alot easier with the use of timing charts which i use often if not all the time when i am animating. Straight ahead does have advantages however such as spontaneity and excitement because when animating with pose to pose for a while the animation can often lack these traits.

Below is an example of pose to pose animation:

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