Wednesday 17 May 2017

Applied Animation - Week 16 (Final week)

This week i was mostly working with premiere, compositing the animation and making sure everything is put together right.

This week was very busy because we didn't realise how much we still had to do in terms of getting the animation fully completed and putting everything together. I find this is always the case so maybe next time i will account for this more.

In terms of blogging i started off blogging a lot and making sure i explained everything well but as i got into the production stage i spent a lot more time actually practicing my craft which instead of putting lots of effort into blog posts which don't impact me at all really. Whilst learning and practicing animation is what's going to improve my skills and therefore get me job opportunities. Therefore i have sacrificed my grade for my practice, obviously these should be parallel but they are not.

Anyway moving back to the project, below is a demonstration of all the animating i did for this project. I did the majority of the animation work, so i did all the keys and alot of the inbetweens and clean ups. I also did all the audio except the sounds from the internet and the interviews which we did together.

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