Wednesday 17 May 2017

Applied Animation - week 13 and 14

I finished all the keys during these two weeks and since guy was bogged down with other work I've started doing the inbetweens also. I have managed to organise my time very well over the past few weeks. We have had deadlines for COP and responsive but i have still managed to set time aside for working on applied during this time, this is something which Guy and Meg have not done. However this is alright because i don't mind keeping the project on schedule whilst Guy and Meg sort out their other work.

I wouldn't say I'm the most organised person, I'm quite messy and i have never thought of myself as being organised. But i have managed the deadlines this year very well and have set myself more projects which i have done in my spare time as well as the set work. Due to this, i have naturally mediated towards the director role for our applied group.

I really like being the director because i like having control over the project, this isn't to say Guy or Meg doesn't, we all have an equal say in everything. I just feel like I'm naturally taking charge of the project, i think this is because i am organising my time well.

When animating the girl, the motions had to be more fluid than the other characters because she is younger. I really tried to get the anticipation and the arcs in there and i think i did a good job with the child's animation but it could have been better through more subtle movements of her face, more accurate and intricate expressions which narrow in more on what the character is thinking about.

I used reference for the girls motions, especially for her shuffling back into a comfier position.

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