Sunday 23 April 2017

Responsive - 11 second club (second entry)

For this month's 11 second club Guy had an idea planned and asked me to make 3d models and rigs of his characters for him to animate. This is good practice for me so i agreed. Guy gave me specifications for the rigs and character drawing of both the characters. I did my best to keep to his idea of the characters, i think this is very important when creating characters in 3d.

Although these rigs were relatively simple, i still learnt quite a bit, mostly in the form of solidifying my knowledge of the fundamentals such as using groups as just empty transformation nodes for setting up accurate rotation orientations. I am also starting to use the node editor a lot more in my workflow which is a very healthy habit, as this gives more control of the way everything is working together and is great for figuring out problems and faults with the rig.

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