Tuesday 17 January 2017

Responsive - Cute LoopdeLoop

Once i had a good idea of the way i wanted to sequence to play out i began animating on photoshop. I began by drawing out the essential key poses that tell the viewer what the bird is doing, i then worked out some inbetweens for simple transitions between key poses but for the more difficult and fluid transitions i chose to animate straight ahead. Combining pose to pose and straight ahead when animating is a great way to have solid animation but still make it vibrant and exciting. The section i found hardest to animate was when the bird pecks a berry from the branch, i struggled to get the quick sharp pecking motion of the bird right but i eventually got it looking right after altering the timing and exaggerating the motions.
Below is the rough linetest for the animation, i was happy with the movement of the bird but i thought the branch is too static because when the bird pecks at the branch the branch would move. Implementing this in my animation would make it seem alot more natural and believable.

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