Friday 6 May 2016

Modelling a truck in maya

I found modelling the truck quite helpful for learning the basic tools in maya when i first used it. I really enjoyed the process and made sure i understood everything i was doing. To light the truck i used a spotlight and a directional light, i used the directional light because the right wheel and the bit underneath was blacked out completely so i used the directional light to illuminate those areas slightly to make them visible.

Thursday 5 May 2016

National Geographic Ident Progress (Maya) - Modeling a Frog

For my national geographic ident i decided to do it in maya because now that i am familiar with the tools and know what i am doing it will take much less time than any other medium. I also enjoy making animations in maya I'm not just doing it because it's quicker. I was quite stuck for what to do for the national geographic ident so i had a think and came up with the base idea of modelling a frog in maya and maybe making it croak and the camera could just pan out from the frog to get the logo in full shot. I thought the simplicity would match the mood of the channel.

Animating a Walk Cycle In Maya

For the animation skills study task we had to animate a pre rigged character in maya. I didn't find this too difficult because i had already become familiar with the animation tools in maya but i probably should have added more overlapping action onto the arms and subtle movements on the body to show the weight shifting. I added overlapping action onto the feet though and the controllers for the feet and legs made it very easy to do so.

Modelling a skull in maya

For my 'Do It Yourself' item i chose to model a skull because i wanted to challenge myself. It wasn't that difficult to model but it was hard to get the brow ridge right and i think i could have done the teeth a lot better. To rotate the skull as a whole i first had to parent all the teeth to their respective part of the skull and then parent the jaw bone to the main skull mesh so then everything moves and rotates together and not separately.