Tuesday 12 January 2016

The Other Side Linetest

This is a linetest for the opening sequence of my animation for the other side brief, I like how to chest feels to have some weight to it, I made sure I did this by having the arms extended and my character taking short long steps to exaggerate the situation. Also I made sure to include some anticipation before he puts the chest down, this really makes the animation more human and realistic. There is also some overlapping action with the padlock; I tried to make the motion of the padlock as realistic as possible to complement the different motions in the scene. This relates to the animation skills module when I learnt to animate a pendulum swing, the padlock is essentially a pendulum swing. Although I think this linetest is overall positive there are a few mistakes and things to work on, for example the face of my character is not as consistent as it should be throughout the frames. This is due to poor character design I think because I hadn't developed this character very much so I should have payed more attention to character development in the pre-production stage.

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