Tuesday 1 December 2015

The other side development

I thought my first idea was too generic and not original in the slightest so i decided to re-think my idea but still keeping it around the idea of pirates. i came across a pirate ghost story (link) and i really liked the idea of producing a gritty pirate story for my animation but the story was incredibly overwhelming for a 25 second animation so i played around with ideas for how i could fit the story into my brief. In the end i kept hardly any of the story and the story is essentially completely different to the ghost story whereas i have kept the general theme of the ghost story in mind.

These are some of my developmental character sketches, the first image is from reference, trying to get a feel for the characters i want to create and the other images are from my imagination, trying to develop my characters to a decent standard and lighting them to get a better idea of the form and mood.

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