Friday 9 October 2015

Storyboard Research

Storyboards are an important part of pre production in producing an animated film, which is why i need to learn all i can about how to create effective and interesting storyboards.

This storyboard is from "The Rescuers" and i really like how rough this particular storyboard is as it has the core rhythms of the characters movements and personalities highlighted. i also really like the way some words are underlined to accentuate certain words and syllables to highlight the characters personality even more.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Finished Storyboard

This is my finished storyboard for "itsy bitsy spider", i changed and developed it a lot from the starting thumbnails i used different camera angles to help tell the story and the use of high key and low key drawings to help imply the appropriate mood.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Development of my storyboard

For my storyboard of "itsy bitsy spider" i first of all created quick rough thumbnail sketches on post-it notes to help me work through the action and sequence the story.

Then i tried to develop my action and make sure i'm using the camera to help tell the story and to make sure i consider simple perspective to help whoever is reading it to understand whats going on.